
Bridals (1) Closed (3) Engagements (3) Portraits (27) Sports (4) Studio (6) children (2) families (1) identity (4) kate (2) nature (12) photoshop (1)

Saturday, April 11, 2009


One of our final assignments this semester was a 'series' assignment. I had originally wanted to use some of the funny faces as my series that were posted on my other blog. Though there were some great faces made, I hadn't controlled the lighting very well and thus after a discussion with my instructor decided to continue to explore my series ideas.

What I turned in were a series of portraits utilizing both emotions and color. I think the best part of this series was Kate's hair. We colored it with a box of 'cinnaberry' color we got at walmart for $8 bucks. Her hair was beautiful. I will have to post a couple more separately of just Kate. Until then here are the ones I submitted for the assignment.


It's amazing how hard it can be to come up with something abstract. Even making something look blurry on purpose takes great effort to also make it worth looking at.
Do you see the face?

If you didn't see the face in the one above, I'm sure you can see it in this one.


The assignment, 'Portraits'. I actually went to a couple of different stores and asked to take pictures of people working there. I wound up turning in a shot of my brother Mark working at Xango and a shot of my wife's nephew. The shots were taken when we went down for my wife's grandma's funeral in March.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Mixed Lighting

Here's another one I haven't had time to blog. It was our mixed lighting assignment. This semester I tried to keep most of my photography oriented on people rather than nature on purpose. Try and figure out what I used for light sources in these.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

I just got done with finals at BYU-I today. I had alot to do and little time to do all of it with this last couple of weeks. I had finished taking pictures for my 'passage of time assignment and the night before it was due I decided I wasn't happy with what I was planning on submitting so I did something new. I was up until 1am, barely got the print made 10 minutes before class and dead tired when I turned it in but it got the grade I wanted and I was able to sleep better after that. These are the pictures I stayed up until 1am taking. It shows food coloring being dropped in succession and eventually making a great looking disgusting drink.

This is a shot I also turned in for the passage of time assginment. I drove around town with my camera set up on a tripod and pointed to look out the front windshield. This was a 30 second exposure.

There is a scripture in the Doctrine and Covenants section 130 verses 18 -19 that reads: "18-Whatever principle of intelligence we attain unto in this life, it will rise with us in the resurrection. 19-And if a person gains more knowledge and intelligence in this life through his diligence and obedience than another, he will have so much the advantage in the world to come." That is the reason I am living in England and attending the University for the Creative Arts in Farnham. I am working on a MFA in Photography in order to further my secular intelligence. Additionally I am learning more than I ever thought I would about having faith in God and where he leads us in life. I graduated from Brigham Young University Idaho with a degree in Recreation Management and a minor in Photography. If I am not photographing, then you can find me running, mountain biking, or spending time with my family.
